Jony Ive Biography

The only person who must have not heard of Jony Ive (Sir Jonathan Paul “Jony” Ive) is either not from this planet or have been living in a cave.

He is the GOD of ID ( Industrial Design) . The amount of work he and his team has done by working in Apple over 15 years is nothing short of unbelievable. The least some one could do is write a great biography on him ! That’s exactly what Leander Kahney has done by writing a book - Jony Ive The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products.

Before this book very less was known about Jony Ive . This book opens up the back doors to his life which is in a way so beautifully written that from the start of the book you can appreciate what a man he really is.People have lot of misconceptions about him that he bullies his colleagues , his ego is way too much but believe me after reading this biography you will know how down to earth person he is. He never asked for the fame , money was not the goal he started his career to achieve . Being a British ID was some way a part of his childhood and his dad played a very big role to make him realize his true talent . The book neatly explains in depth about the start of Jony’s career how he and his team changed the face of Apple. The amount of obstacles they had to overcome to even think of making an iMac , iPhone and iPad a reality. It all looks easy now but the sleepless night they had , staying for months together in China to master the art of manufacturing is nothing short of true passion towards getting the best quality products the world needs!They define the culture of Apple.
Jony is the most powerful person in whole of Apple . Everything passes through him , probably he has more power than Tim Cook . Even after all this he is still a shy person who is extremely humble and listens to his team with utmost humility which is quite hard to find in a person as powerful as Jony Ive .
Believe me I can go on an on about this biography but you really gotta grab the book and go through it yourself ! It talks about Jony , Steve , various designers , Tim Cook the man who made Apple profitable in first 8 months being with the company and so much more insight on the true working culture in Apple. Apple doesn’t settle for anything less than the best !

I think Jony Ive is a perfect match to the Apple’s culture.


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